4 |
Opening of the Ludi
Religious Ceremonies |
5 |
History of the Ludi
6 |
Ludi Scaenici—theatrical & historical readings |
7 |
Ludi Scaenici—theatrical & historical readings |
8 |
Ludi Scaenici—theatrical & historical readings |
9 |
Ludi Scaenici—theatrical & historical readings |
10 |
Ludi Scaenici—theatrical & historical readings |
11 |
Ludi Scaenici—theatrical & historical readings |
12 |
Ludi Scaenici—theatrical & historical readings |
13 |
Epulumn Iovis |
14 |
Pompa: parade of the Capitoline Statues to the Circus |
15 |
Ludi Circenses Semifinal Races
16 |
Ludi Circenses Final Races
17 |
Closing Ceremonies |